We strive to give you the best experience possible when joining Baton Rouge’s Premier Athletic Club! Since SOAC Membership is limited and REQUIRES a scheduled meeting with one of our membership advisors, please follow these easy steps to prepare for your application process toward a SOAC MEMBERSHIP!

In order to give you the best experience possible when joining Baton Rouge’s Premier Athletic Club, let us know your next step on becoming a SOAC Member.

1. Potential members must schedule a tour in advance with one of our membership advisors. You can do so by completing the contact form below or by emailing to schedule your membership tour ([email protected]).

2. Please allow up to 24 hours for a membership advisor to return your call or email.

3. All membership applications must be reviewed fully by a Membership Advisor and may take up to 24 hours to fully process so please plan accordingly.

Membership Contact Form