How to Start Enjoying Baton Rouge Tennis: Get a Great Pro

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Need to Find Your Tennis Passion?

Whether you’re just starting out with tennis or have been playing for years, a guaranteed way to increase your enjoyment of the game is to become a better player. At SOAC, we believe that having the right professional help you with your swing, serve, or overall play is a key component to keeping up your commitment to Baton Rouge tennis. That’s why we take great pride in our Tennis Pros and the types of lessons that they’re able to provide. But how do you know if a pro or lesson is right for you?

What’s Their Background?

Looking at a tennis pro’s resume may seem a bit formal, but understanding their background will help you get a better idea of how they approach the game as well as how they approach coaching. In the Baton Rouge tennis community, there are many different styles and methods of coaching. Is this person simply an enthusiast of the game who played in high school and college or are they someone commited to understand how best to help you reach your potential? Working with someone who has a background in coaching or who has had training and certification is a great bet.

What’s their Personality?

Finding a tennis pro with a good personality fit for you is also incredibly important. Do you need

  • A pro who enjoys zoning in on the technical aspects of tennis?
  • A cheerleader who will ignite (or reignite) a sense of passion and play in you?
  • Someone who will push you forward in your game no matter what?
  • An instructor who’s a little more chill and ready to meet you at your level with an encouraging demeanor?

Think about what you need from your pro and then talk to a few! Ask about what drives them and what types of students they work the best with. Then, go with your best fit.

Start Your Journey to Great Baton Rouge Tennis

Once you’ve settled on a great pro, it’s time to lace-up your tennis shoes, grab your racquet, and start the journey to a better game. As your skills increase, we know you’ll start enjoying Baton Rouge tennis even more.

Connect with a SOAC Tennis Pro Today

Our Tennis Pros are experienced professionals who are ready to help you with your game. If you’re ready to connect with one and see if they’re the right fit for you, give us a call at 225-756-7485 or fill out the form below.

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